Tŷ Cerdd perisgop project


I’m so happy to tell you all that I will be working with Tŷ Cerdd and and an amazing team to create something truly special. Tapestri is a living music archive of the people & communities of Wales. Funded by ACW Connect & Flourish, with a host of partner organisations and artists.

I will be creating some filmed materials for perisgop.

perisgop: a disabled-led digital music-theatre production, placing lived-experience at the heart of this commentary on life with sight-loss in Wales. Composer Gareth Churchill, writer Kaite O’Reillyand videographer Jake Sawyers will lead an all-disabled artistic team. Created in collaboration with UCAN Productions and people with sight-loss from around Wales.

Keep an eye out for more updates and listen to the audio flyers for the project here here


The Hayley Pearce Podcast


UCAN Door2Door